
* indicates a required field

Student Registration

Enter your full name (first mi last).
(###) ###-####
Please type city and state abbreviation (ex. Chicago, IL).
School AddressRequired


Please provide as much information as possible
Academic Information

Academic Information

Graduation DateRequired
Practice Area Interest(s)Required
Please select any practice areas you are interested in pursuing
Program TypeRequired
Select which program type(s) this student is eligible for.

Undergraduate InstitutionRequired
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1746 of 1746 visible
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Undergraduate Graduation YearRequired
Are you a first generation college student? (First person in your family to graduate) Required
Will you be the first person in your family to graduate law school?
Which classes are you taking during your first semester?Required
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Which classes are you taking during your second semester?Required
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Work Information

Have you ever been convicted of a crime or pleaded guilty to a felony or misdemeanor involving dishonesty (other than expunged matters or sealed juvenile convictions)?Required
Do you have any criminal history that may show up on an employment background check?Required
Have you ever been accused or found guilty of academic dishonesty?Required
Have you ever been the subject of a disciplinary proceeding with any federal state commission or organization that regulates attorney or professional conduct?Required
Which program are you applying for?

If you are applying after October, please select DAPP Direct.

Geographic Preferences

NOTE: DAPP traditionally has placements in small and large markets across the country. If you are open to where you intern next summer, please indicate that, as well as any geographic restraints. THIS IS SPECIFIC FOR DAPP DIRECT ONLY.

Statements of Interest


I hereby certify that all information provided in this application and all accompanying documentation is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false or inaccurate information may result in rescission of program participation. I will make myself available for virtual interviews on September 15-17, 2023.

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